The LENS is a collection page of posts on Photography.

These posts are in descending order, the most current showing at the top. Included in the posts are tips on composition, lighting, photo studies, and what to consider before you press/click.



Location in Photography - What does it tell us?


Photography Tips - Composition, Light and a Louvre Peek

March 2014


Photography - Lighting Effects

June 2013

Night at the Strand in Key West, DG Hudson


The Risk of Digital Only Photos (Storage)

January 2013

Camera Shot by Green Eye


Black and White Lens

December 2012

Royal Hudson, New West Yards by Green Eye


Photo Impact - Using Images for Writing

A guest post on Jessica Bell's Blog, The Alliterative Allomorph

October 2012

The same post on Open.Salon,

Egyptian Antiquities, Louvre, by DG Hudson


The Eiffel Tower, Paris - A Photo Study

March 2012

Nostalgic Tour Eiffel, Paris by DG Hudson


If you would like to use an image from my page or blogs, contact me by leaving a comment on this page. I'll be notified. Visit either blog link below to see examples of my images. Writing, Book Reviews, Paris, Photography A News, Art and Travel Journal Approach

Updates to this page will be ongoing. Drop in to see what's new, when you can.
Last update: August 15, 2014.
